I'm so close to hitting that 500 gram mark I can taste it! Although, I could barely hit 495 grams this week lol.. I only hit my targets once this week and was under my intake for the rest of the week. Although my weight is creeping up on the scale, I'm still managing to hit rep PR's on body weight exercises like pull-ups and parallel dips... not really on push-ups though! My training is going well and I have enough energy for every workout. With all the food I'm eating I can easily train 3x daily lol. Some good news: a guy at the gym commented and said that I'm getting buffer and that my V-taper is looking good, as are my arms and shoulders! Not that I thrive on positive feedback, it's just nice to hear =) My weight fluctuated during the week but I have only gained 2 g. Intake this week:
Calories- 3571
I almost hit my targets every day! Shocking!!! Even more food than the past few weeks and I came closer to the numbers than usual. I didn't post a progress update last week since I didn't feel like taking a progress pic. But me and my boyfriend celebrated our 5 year anniversary and it was a blast. I didn't track anything, was probably way under my targets but enjoyed it. I even came back losing weight My gym sessions also went well this week. All this food is leading to PR's on the weekly. I was super proud of my 75 kg squats (below parallel) and also 88 kg's barbell hip thrusts. I'm getting closer to 500 grams carbs.... My intake this week:
Calories- 3582 Protein- 140 g Carbs- 490 g Fats- 118 g *sigh* Still a struggle to hit my numbers. At least I hit them on the dot or pretty closely 3-4 days this week! My weight fluctuated all week on the daily. Anything from 64 - 66. An average week, not much to log. I did however hit a few new PR's this week on my deadlifts (both sumo and conventional) as well as push presses again. This week's intake:
Calories- 3543
Another week of struggling to hit my numbers! It's such a struggle to take in all this food lol, but I enjoy it! I'm slacking on taking progress pictures and updating my Reverse Dieting section but I'll keep posting. I've had some good & bad this week at the gym. I got into the habit of using a small step to get unto the pullup bar to do pullups, I never kicked away the step which meant I never did full dead hang pullups. I kicked away the step for the first time in years today and the pullups were soooo much harder! It was super frustrating since I worked my way up over the years just to get in 2 or 3 extra reps, then I started doing weighted pullups. I'll have to start all over again with only body weight dead hang pullups. The good: I hit a few new PR's on bench, hip thrusts and push presses. All in all, I'm loving my training. My intake this week:
Calories- 3495
My reverse diet journey
WEEKLY updates for my reverse diet of 2014-2015
December 2015