Woo-Hoo!!!! I hit the 300g carb mark on Sunday!! Nothing too drastic happened this week, I hit my numbers daily, well I almost had 1g of fat left on most days. On Thursday, my boyfriend invited me for dinner, I left over 31 g Fats ; 99 g Carbs & 30 g Proteins. He made chicken stirfry and who knows what sauces and spices he threw in, so I made sure I left over enough macros. I didn’t starve during the day either, my calories are pretty high so I’m always struggling to fill them at night with random stuff anyways lol. T’was a good week, I did my HIIT again on Tuesday as usual, but I only did 8 sprints, not 10 as always. I’m cutting down my cardio a bit, although I only do 1 session of about 15 minutes per week anyway lol! I can certainly go without any cardio but I prefer to keep at least a short session in during my week to keep fit, because who the hell likes to start all the way over when they do have to implement some form of cardio again, not me, that’s for sure! My weights for this week: Sunday- 59.2 ; Monday- either 59.2 / 59.6 (I think it’s time for a new scale) ; Wednesday- 59.0 ; Thursday- 59.8 ; Friday- 59.5 & Saturday- 59.5. I think it’s safe to say, or hopefully speculate, that I’m no longer at my maintenance calories since I’m slowly experiencing increments in my weight. I hope not lol, because I’d really looove to double my intake with still no fat gain, but, I’m lucky because I haven’t experiences fat/weight gain since I started my reverse diet (strictly since June 2014). My calories for this past week:
Calories= 2363
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My reverse diet journey
WEEKLY updates for my reverse diet of 2014-2015
December 2015