Like I said in my previous update, I was celebrating my birthday the weekend of the 18th and 19th of October. Lucky for me, my mom stopped celebrating our birthdays a few years ago.. so, on the plus side, no more all you can eat candy and junk food.. but, on the downside, no more presents as well :'( On the 18th, Saturday, after I killed arms & calves at the gym, my boyfriend and I drove to a town close-by to enjoy a meal and birthday cake. I did not fit the meal and dessert into my macros but I counted my macros all day beforehand and afterwards.. Well, until we went on a night drive in the Kruger Park, and the driver offered us free food. Needless to say, I very rarely dismiss a free food proposal. And I only had a protein bar with me, so I was starving. I didn't accept my friends' snacks throughout the drive, so when the driver laid out the snacks, I inhaled about 4 Samosas. Thereafter I had a few of my friends' chips and pieces of biltong (jerky). When we got back in town late night, I had 3 "Vetkoeke" (fried dough bread) and a Bar One Chocolate. Semi binge splurge I'd say, thereafter I went to bed. Sunday the 19th, on my birthday, I was on point with my macros, but indulged in too much home-baked chocolate cake. My macros were 100% all week since Monday 20th till Friday 24th, I'm doing a short progress week cause I forgot to up my carbs this week so I followed the same macros as last week, and I wanted more carbs lol. My weights for this week 19th-24th= Sunday- 59.2 ; Monday- 59.5 ; Wednesday- 58.3 ; Thursday= 59.4 ; Friday- 59.2. I'm not sure why there's so many fluctuations, but I'll weigh less tomorrow (Saturday) after my leg session later today. After I failed to up both my carbs and fats, I ended up only with 1g more fat this week:
Calories = 2076
I get weekends where I go off track again, but even those weekends are not as bad as an entire day when I used to struggle with my ED. Luckily, this wasn't one of those weekends where I mess up my whole week's progress. I did not binge once! I had cake on Saturday that put me 12g above my fat intake and 9g above my carb intake. Other than that, every other day of the week I followed my macros 100%, give or take 1g. My period started on the 13th, Monday, so my weight fluctuated a bit during the week, and during this time, as usual, I felt somewhat bloated and flabby. My weights for the week were: Sunday= 58.7 ; Monday= 59.0 ; Wednesday= 58.2 ; Thursday= 58.2 ; Friday = 58.2 and on Saturday's early morning weigh in= 58.6. Not much to note here, just that my week and weekend was good. I'll also be celebrating my Birthday today, although it's only tomorrow (19th October). Hopefully there won't be too much cake involved. My calories for the 11th - 17th October:
Calories= 2067
A perfect week... weight gain on the scale?! What gives? Well, reverse dieting.. I'm not on a diet or trying to lose weight. I'm purposefully increasing my weekly food intake to fuel my metabolic capacity. So, fluctuations are part of the equation. BUUUT, my slight binge weekend certainly did play a role.. and the fact that (TMI, I know) I'm on my period. I usually gain 1-2 kg few days before or during my cycle. Here's specifics: Thursday, 2 Oct, my weight stayed the same at 58.0 kg's. Friday, 3 Oct, I hit my macros but indulged a bit on my #1 childhood cereal after I discovered it in store that day (okay, more like half a pack). The macros on it is waaay better than I thought, so I'll be eating it often! I also had a Protein bar to match the carbs lol... On Saturday I did not binge, but I only had one meal in macros. Then throughout the day I ate whenever I was hungry, foods, not all candy and carbs as always. I enjoyed a buffet lunch Sunday, the 5th, with a friend, well, I enjoyed the company.. the buffet was unappetising. It wasn't even a buffet. I didn't make notes on what I ate the rest of the day, but my candy stash is still filled with goodies, so I didn't have a sugar surplus as usual. Although I did have wayyy too much of my mom's home-made banana bread. Apart from the semi rebound weekend, I had every meal in macros since Monday the 6th. Not over or under once, but my weight fluctuated sooo much. Wednesday= 58.8 ; Thursday= 58.0 ; Friday= 59.1 ; Saturday= 59.1. I do however attribute some of the fluctuations to the fact that I got my period yesterday (Monday, 13th Oct, this is a late progress post). I'll see how I look and feel next week. Hopefully I won't feel as bloated, flabby, bulky and uncomfortable as I do now. My intake this week was:
Calories= 2081
I put my reverse diet on a pause for the week I visited my friend in the City between the 17th and 23rd of November. Out of the 7 days I spent there. I counted (and hit) my macros twice. The rest of the time I had my healthy meals when I was hungry, I enjoyed home cooked meals or takeaways often and perhaps may have over-indulged in sweet treats! Here is my 2 week progress for the week I was away and for the week I'm back at home. My bus left at 10 AM on Wednesday, the 24th of November, since then I've been reverse dieting again and hitting my macros daily, except a minor free for all on Sunday, the 28th of November. To my surprise, I weighed in at 59.2 kg's on Thursday the 25th. I knew I was going to weigh much more than usual since I only weight trained twice during my stay and only hit my macros twice as well. I was surprised I didn't gain as much, usually when my weekends (or even 1 day a weekend) consisted out of an entire binge, I'd weigh in 59.something the day after, and that was while I did train daily! So, when I came back from my holiday I weighed in the exact same, whilst not even training and being way over my calorie goals everyday (minus 2 days) . That means, either my previous binges were super bad or I didn't eat as much in excess as I thought I did during my week off. After 3 days of hitting my macros and throwing in a HIIT sprinting session, I was down to 57.9 kg's again on Friday, the 27th of November. Every day since my arrival has been great, I did experience a small rebound on Sunday though. I had a chocolate fitted into my macros and decided to eat late lunch with my family (who obviously don't count macros) so the idea that I had eaten foods that I wasn't sure of their macros made me think I blew it. So for the rest of the day, I did not binge, but I had lots of cookies here and there, enjoyed supper that I did not account for, as well as a chocolate pre bedtime. It's a process, so it's fine, since then I've hit my macros again daily, although it did set me back a little bit as I weighed 59.6 kg's on Monday. I woke up this morning weighing 58.0 kg's so it's all good. During my week away I did not count macros, but during my week back at home, this was my intake:
Calories= 1973
My reverse diet journey
WEEKLY updates for my reverse diet of 2014-2015
December 2015